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Reducing salt intake may be .. Harmful


Everyone knows that too much salt is harmful to health, and reduce him to help in lowering blood pressure, but a new study found that it may increase levels of certain hormones and unhealthy fats in the blood.
The Web site ‘Web MD’ Scientific American, researchers at the University of ‘Copenhagen’, they found through their review of data belonging to more than 167 study that reducing salt intake may not have a significant benefit, in fact.
But critics say the study shows the results of this review is wrong because it relies on many small studies and short-term.
The new study found that eating less than 2800 mg of salt a day helps to lower blood pressure, but the low rates or the rate of 1 ‘when those with normal pressure, and 3.5% among those suffering from a rise in pressure.
But reducing salt has had other effects, the record high average of 2.5% cholesterol and 7 ‘in the rates of bad fats (triglycerides) in the diet of low-salt compared with those who ate more of 3450 mg per day.
And raised the salt diets low rates of hormone and aldosterone, which ring may be raising blood pressure.
The researcher said the study’s senior Nielsgrudal, the ‘reduction of salt intake leads to an increase in fat, most of the depressor effect of blood pressure, and thus it is likely not to be underestimated for this beneficial effect, but rather Valtather net may be harmful’.

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