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Syrian three-day ceasefire agreed as both sides bury dead...


Members of Lebanon's Shiite movement Hezbollah carry the coffin of comrade, Ali Manana, who was killed in combat alongside Syrian government forces fighting against Islamic State group jihadists in Syria's Zabadani area

In parts of southern and northwestern Syria, opposition fighters battling Syrian army and Hizbollah agree respite in order to evacuate their wounde...

Warring rebels and regime loyalists in parts of southern and northwesternSyria agreed to a three-day ceasefire on Thursday in order to evacuate their wounded and bury the dead.
The pause brought temporary respite to opposition fighters who have been battling the Syrian army and Hizbollah troops for months in the Lebanese border town of Zabadani and two villages near President Bashar al-Assad’s eastern heartlands.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the conflict, said there was "calm" in the areas early on Thursday.
The regime and its allies in the Lebanese Hizbollah group have been trying to wrest back control of Zabadani for almost two months.
Victory would deal a symbolic blow to the rebels. Once a popular holiday destination, Zabadani was one of the first towns to fall from government control in 2011 before Syria’s peaceful rebellion turned into a vicious civil war.
For the regime, Zabadani represents an important exit route through to Lebanon. As war has effectively partitioned the country, Mr Assad’s forces have lost control of most other border crossings.
For Hizbollah, a Shia group, the possibility of spillover from a mainly Sunni occupation on its doorstep is seen as an existential threat.
The latest ceasefire was negotiated by Ahrar al-Sham, a powerful rebel group wielding political clout and thousands of fighters.
The organisation was involved in a similar initiative earlier this month, brokered with the help of Iran, which backs the Syrian government, and Turkey, which backs the insurgents.
Ahrar al-Sham blamed the failure of that round of talks on the Iranian delegation with which it was negotiating, saying it was trying to effectively exchange one area for another.
Four and a half years into Syria’s civil war, pressure on the regime is ratcheting up. Increasingly reliant on the funding and manpower of its foreign allies, it has been forced to retrench operations outside of its eastern strongholds.
In a speech last month, Mr Assad admitted that his regime is facing troops shortage and has relinquished some areas in order to hold onto the regions it deems most important. In recent weeks, photographs from behind regime lines have appeared to suggest a recent influx of Russian weaponry.
In a war riven with barbarity, much of it led by fighters from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), Mr Assad’s regime remains the biggest killer of civilians. According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, a monitoring group, more than 8,000 people were killed by forces loyal to the government between January and July of this year alone.

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